Bulletin Board
Let’s Welcome the Porier’s
On Wednesday, July 24, Crick and Mindy Porier will be visiting the Antigo United Methodist Church. They will arrive at 6:00 for a light supper put on by the AUMC Men’s Group. After dinner, the Poriers will share a presentation and discussion of the work they are doing in Estonia. All are welcome. Please come and welcome our missionaries.
Vacation Bible School Adventure
We are trying something new for our vacation Bible School this Summer: A Family Vacation Bible School Adventure! We will meet on two Wednesdays in August for our Surprise Super Heroes VBS. Have you ever wanted to be a superhero? Find out how we can be Super Heroes for Jesus!
Normally our VBS includes children 4 years through 5th grade, but because this is a family event, even our toddlers are invited, as long as mom or dad or a grandparent is with them. Likewise our middle school and high school youth are welcome and encouraged to come and help or be a part of the adventure. We will be meeting Wednesdays, August 7 and 14, 2024 from 4:30-7:00 p.m.
We will begin with a family meal, and then rotate to different activities including Bible Story Adventure, Singing, Games & Crafts. If you can’t make it at 4:30, come when you can get there. We have chosen Operation Christmas Child as our mission project, because this is a hands-on way to be a Super Hero!!
If you are willing to help, please sign up on the table in the foyer, or talk to Pastor Deb. Watch for more information soon.
Church Rummage Sale
Church Rummage Sale date is set for August 24th 8am-3pm. Gregg Bruss has volunteered to set up and take down items for sale. We are looking for volunteers to help Gregg and run the rummage sale on that day. Please do not bring in any items yet. Watch the next newsletter for more details. Please call the church office if you are interested in this project. 715-623-3802 or email the church at antigoumc1@gmail.com
Music in the Park
We will be hosting the food sale for Music in the Park on Monday, Aug 26, 2024, featuring the “Slidin’ on Ice” band. Watch for the sign-up sheets to help with set-up, clean-up, buying, preparing or selling food that will be in the church entry way later this summer. We need your help to continue this successful fund raiser, and we always have a good time. Thanks in advance for your support!
Harvest Worship Day Dinner
Save the date! Save the date! Sunday, October 13th the church will be hosting a Harvest dinner fall church celebration. More details will be coming in future newsletters but please mark your calendars now! Remember to save the date and join us in celebrating God’s good work through our hands!
Sisters in Faith
Sisters will conclude their study and discussion of Liz Curtis Higgs’ book “The Women of Easter”. We will be meeting the Tuesdays of April 2nd, 9th, and 16th from 1:00-2:00 pm. As we finish this book we will discontinue our meetings for this season. We will be returning next fall on Tuesday, September 10th with a study of Max Lucado’s book “Ten Men of the Bible”. Have a wonderful spring and summer. See you in September.
Quilts: Just a reminder to members and friends of Antigo UMC that there is a display of comfort quilts in the church library. These quilts are for you to gift to anyone who might be going through a stressful time, whether from health concerns or other reasons. The quilts are meant to be a reminder that they are thought of, prayed for and never alone. Each quilt has a label which reads ” May this quilt keep you warm in God’s love.” Please help yourselves.
Church Library News
When Faith is Forbidden
During the month of our Independence Day, you should read this new devotional book When Faith is Forbidden: 40 Days on the Frontlines with Persecuted Christians, by Todd Nettleton. It includes 40 short stories explaining the author’s time spent with Christians around the globe. “Come along on a 40-day journey into hostile ad restricted nations, where we’ll meet brothers and sisters who refuse to deny Christ despite being beaten, imprisoned, or even killed for their faith. This book will introduce you to a Chinese Christian woman who called six months in prison ‘a wonderful time’. We’ll go through armed checkpoints to meet an Iraqi pastor praising God just eight days after assassins’ bullets ripped into his flesh. And we’ll sit down for a cup of tea with others from our Christian family in Iran, Eritrea, Turkey, Jordan, and other nations.”
This book was a free gift from Voice of the Martyrs and is available in our library. Reading these short adventures will give you a new perspective on Christian life in other cultures. Stop in and check out this book and many other materials.
Antigo Community Garden
God provides the sun, water, and soil. You provide the seeds and the will to plant and till the soil. Together a bountiful harvest is produced.
Volunteers Needed to Operate Our Video Camera
We would like others to volunteer to help run the camara on Sunday mornings. We will train you and we have instructions printed. We can train during the week or on Sunday mornings. We would also sit with you for a couple of times until you are comfortable. It is easy. We would like to have enough people trained so that we can take turns on a rotating schedule. If you are only slightly interested, try it. Call the church office for details.