Bulletin Board

"Celebrating a Fruitful Harvest" Worship Service on October 13, 2024

Beginning with worship at 10:00 AM, Potluck, Fellowship and Games following Worship.

Fall is that time of year when we see signs of God’s fruitful harvest manifested through the apples in orchards, the grapes on the vine, and the pumpkins in the fields. A “Fruitful Harvest” is a tangible way for us to recognize God’s blessings in our lives. But God’s fruitful harvest includes so much more than just physical blessings or the produce we can eat. For through our relationship with Jesus, we have been spiritually blessed. Jesus has sent the Holy Spirit to live in us, and the Holy Spirit produces a special kind of fruit in our lives.

Listen to how Paul describes a fruitful life in Galatians 5:22-23 Message Bible: “22-23 But what happens when we live God’s way? He brings gifts into our lives, much the same way that fruit appears in an orchard—things like affection for others, exuberance about life, serenity. We develop a willingness to stick with things, a sense of compassion in the heart, and a conviction that a basic holiness permeates things and people. We find ourselves involved in loyal commitments, not needing to force our way in life, able to marshal and direct our energies wisely.”

Aren’t those the characteristics we want others to see displayed in our lives? On Sunday October 13, 2024, Antigo UMC will be celebrating “God’s Fruitful Harvest,” with a special worship service featuring music by Jerry Holland and Peggy Kasson. In worship we will think about the choices that will help us develop fruitful lives.

Following the worship service that Sunday, we will have lunch, games, and the opportunity to enjoy fellowship with one another. Worship is at 10:00 A.M. (Please note that we will not be live streaming that day due to music copyright issues when livestreaming.) All the more reason to mark your calendar and show up to worship our Lord and Savior in person!! If you are able, bring a dish to pass, but if not, be sure to come anyway and stay for the meal. This is a great opportunity for you to invite someone to come and celebrate with us. (Guests do not need to bring anything except themselves!) Bring a friend, a family member, a coworker to join with us in celebrating our Great and Amazing God who blesses us Abundantly!

Faith After Five Event October 29, 2024

When:   October 29, 2024
Time:    6:30 p.m.
Where:  Antigo UMC

Join us for an opportunity to spend time with women of faith from your church and your community. We come together to spend time with some old friends, meet some new friends, and enjoy some fellowship and fun. Nancy Maier and Kathleen Knowles from the Mattoon Nazarene Church will be our guest speakers. They will share some stories from their faith journey as well as their involvement with their church mission for Operation Christmas Child (OCC) and their deep compassion for this mission. We will also have a “packing party”, so I invite you to bring some items that can be included in the boxes.

36th Annual Goods and Services Auction November 10, 2024

Dear Members and Friends of Antigo UMC,

We are planning our 36th ANNUAL GOODS AND SERVICES AUCTION again this year. It will be in person with Auctioneer, Carl McIlquham, on Sunday, November 10th. A light lunch will be served prior to the auction. Please mark your calendars for lunch and the auction. Again, the auction will be in person. The Packers do not play that Sunday so please join us in the fun after our worship service on Sunday, November 10th. The proceeds will go toward new kitchen cabinets.

Items for the Goods and Services Auction can be anything that you have made or any service that you are willing to provide in the coming year.

Please mail, deliver or email your donation or ideas to the church office by Sunday, October 6th. We extended this date to make sure everyone had the opportunity to get in their donation list. Please include a picture of your items for our mailing.

When filling out the donation/goods or service form, please be very specific when describing your item and include a minimum bid which you think is fair for the value of your item. As in the past, your donation can be a service or an item. Cash donations are very much appreciated and will be the easiest to manage!

All items should be brought to the church the week of November 3rd. If you are offering a baked item, it would have to be put in the freezer or describe it as an item “to be delivered with time to be arranged”. Please return auction donation/information forms no later than Sunday, October 6th to:

Antigo United Methodist Church
2034 W. Fifth Avenue
Antigo, WI  54409

or Email to: antigoumc1@gmail.com

If you have any questions, please call Jane Babler, or Denise at the church office (715-623-3802)

Annual Church/Charge Conference Saturday November 16, 2024

Our Annual Charge Conference will be held on Saturday, November 16 at 9:00 A.M at Antigo United Methodist Church with our new District Superintendent, Park Hunter, presiding.
Mattoon UMC will be joining us for our church conference.  This is a time to celebrate the ministries of the church, as well as conduct the annual church business. We encourage all members to mark your calendars and plan to attend.

Mission opportunity - Feed My Starving Children November 16, 2024

Please consider donating your time to fill bags for the FEED MY STARVING CHILDREN project located at Highland Church in Wausau. This is the third time AUMC has volunteered, and it has been a rewarding experience for all. The date is Saturday, November 16th. We will have more specific information to follow about the time of the event and if people would like to carpool to Wausau together. We will have a signup sheet on the kiosk soon.

Christmas Poinsettia Orders Due November 24, 2024

The poinsettia’s red leaves, shaped like the Star of Bethlehem, symbolizes the blood Jesus Christ shed for our sins. It is a Christmas tradition at Antigo UMC to decorate the chancel area with these familiar holiday flowers.

 This year the Worship Committee would like to try a new way for you to purchase poinsettias to adorn our sanctuary. Beginning in November, order forms will be available for you to reserve a Christmas poinsettia. The plants will be in eight-inch pots and the cost will be approximately ten dollars ($10.00). All forms (money included) must be turned into the church office by November 24th. The poinsettias will be delivered to the church for December 22nd display.

If you prefer to purchase your own poinsettia you may continue with this practice.

Questions? Contact Patrice Flock

Sunday School News

Our first day of Sunday school was September 22th. The children attended church with their families at 10am. After children’s time, the children are dismissed to go to their Sunday school classes. All children are welcome from age 3 through 5th grade. We currently do not have a youth group so older youth are welcome and encouraged to come. This makes 3 classes, and we really need your help. We are looking for help in the Pre-school age class. If you are interested in teaching a lesson to the children or helping in the classroom, please call Marge Miller or the church office. We will be continuing the “Simply Loved” fun and easy curriculum. Kids will enjoy learning about Jesus and our Great God.

The Chosen

Many of you have heard of the movie series “The Chosen.”  It’s a TV adaptation of the stories of Jesus as told in the gospels of Matthew, Mark, Luke and John. Beginning on Thursday, October 3rd, Barb and Carl McIlquham will host weekly showings in their home.

At the first meeting, we can decide which day of the week works best for the group. If you can’t meet every week, the show is free to watch at home so you could catch up or missing a week or two is not a problem. “Class size” will be limited to 14 people. Come join us. Teens age 14 and up are welcome too. There will be a sign-up sheet in the narthex.

Sisters in Faith

Sisters will begin their season study and discussion on Tuesday, October 8th from 1-2 p.m. Our first meeting will be held in the conference room to see if we will be more comfortable there. Our study is Max Lucado’s “Ten Men of the Bible, How God Used Imperfect People to Chang the World.” We have been looking forward to this study since last year.

Church Library News

Veggie Tales Are in the House

Thanks to Pastor Deb’s donation, we now have some Veggie Tales stuffies in the church library. They are now available for check out. When you sign-out a Veggie Tales DVD you can also sign-out a stuffie. Look for these in the children’s section of the library. You can choose from Bob the Tomato, Larry the Cucumber, Junior Asparagus or LarryBoy. Please choose only one stuffie per check-out. Sign the checkout card associated with the stuffie and place it in the card basket. Try to return the stuffie within 3 weeks so other children may enjoy them, too. Don’t forget to look at all the Veggie Tales DVD’s. There are many to choose from and they always share a Bible message within the story. This is a fun way for kids to learn Scripture.

Get to the church library for books and more!

Antigo Community Garden

God provides the sun, water, and soil. You provide the seeds and the will to plant and till the soil. Together a bountiful harvest is produced.

Volunteers Needed to Operate Our Video Camera

We would like others to volunteer to help run the camara on Sunday mornings.  We will train you and we have instructions printed. We can train during the week or on Sunday mornings. We would also sit with you for a couple of times until you are comfortable.  It is easy.  We would like to have enough people trained so that we can take turns on a rotating schedule.  If you are only slightly interested, try it. Call the church office for details.